
Showing posts from November 2, 2010

eBay Launching as Full Time Job!

Last month was my eBay launching as full time job and it work great! It was a very hectic schedule for me last month in my eBay Store.Checking in my eBay Specialist Status and monimtoring it until now.Thank God that all things work together for good!!! His own perfect time.It was quite a load of listing in the Collectibles Category yet the effort deserved its best performance and it's worth it to celebrate that my job is working great by God's grace!!! and in Him alone I will give the glory and honor and praises. This month will be another great month in my eBay and hopefully, my blog writing will go with it even just every week, or twice a week. I thank God for everything.Nothing is long as we will never be idle...keep thriving instead, discover God's gift of talents, skills, that are in your  hands...eventually you will find i do.God is great!!!