This might only be applicable to those people who live here in the States.This is not mandatory, it's just a great suggestion from a christian best selling Author : Dave Ramsey ( ) This is what i got, from his book a little idea, which his #1 suggestion is what i am having at the moment, where the next step is too be followed by God's saving grace." It's always good to acknowledge God's grace." I have read books from best selling authors Dave Ramsey is one of my favorites.Here's some of the tidbits i got, " THE HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TO HAVE " One of Dave Ramseys' book : 1. $ 1,000.00 - Emergency fund. 2. Pay off all debt ( except the house ) utilizing the " debt snowball " Debt snowball - list all your debts from smallest to largest.Start working the snowball and watch your victories grow.( I will share about snowball next time.) 3. Two - six months expenses in savings for ...