I have been waiting for the sun to shine today,unfortunately it never did.It is very cloudy, however, I am happy that I had a 30 minute walk today.My legs are hurting me, but it's ok, because i feel energize after my walk.I thank God again fo another day, even it's too cold. I prayed for the Tucson Massacre and the Inland Tsunami in Queensland Australia.May God comfort the families who have lost their lives, and complete recovery for the lady who was shot in the head.I also pray that the massive flood will stop in Queensland Australia.Lord be in contol of everything.Be gracious to those who are victims, and to those who experience tragic calamities, and justice for the Tucson Massacre. I also, claim comfort to the Erezo family, goodbye to Ate Alma- you're one of a kind servant of God.You are a great example to us, to me.Thank you for the moment we spent together while learning God's word with you...I am reviving that moment Ate Alma, and I like it...I read more of G...