WHAT IS A SOCIAL NETWORKING ? A social networking are site places where corporations and individuals are sign up together, and create " about me " where your profile is written, and a little bit more about your interest, and hobbies, and more.Sounds quite fun.


TWITTER - Twitter describes itself as " real Time ", short messaging service that works on multiple devices and networks, from asking friends, world news.It let you shout out to the world by tweets of 140 characters or less.This is fast, and easy links that will be passed around quickly.

FACEBOOK- facebook is allowing people to share and make the world more connected and be opened.facebook has a lot more to offer than twitter,that includes fan of something, surveys,silly games.This has more picture to upload, and most of all it has an instant real time dialogue with your friends.Facebook offers a wide array of tools,including event notifications, promotions, discount coupons, invitations.Longer messages and the ability to have a string messages on both your messages and those of your friends.

LINKEDLN- This is where you can find the past and present colleagues and classmates easily.Discover inside connections when you are looking for a job, or new business opportunity.Like others,Linkedln is offering a profile feature and revolves around creating connections to specific people.It has an import that will attemp to make friends with everyone in your email address book. Linkedln has three features that facebook and twitter does not offer: a Q&A section where you can post question and then answers other people's question, thus building your credibity and increasing your exposure.You can recommend people here and post review about them.There is a job posting section where you psot job opportunies or even look for them.

LIVEJOURNAL- LiveJournal represents media without borders.LiveJournal is blogging with a friend feature.Like a hosted blog, your public entries are categorized and searchable on the LiveJournal site.LiveJournal has a community involovement, and individual expression.LiveJournal is on the forefront publishing community invlovement.The best thing is ,it has friend features, and blogging.

MYSPACE- Myspace is one of the oldest social networking sites.This is a best place for friends.It offers a huge services that includes built-in blog, profile feature, games, and friend feature similar to facebook.It focuses on video sharing, audio, Myspace is image.

Have fun while doing these Networking.Of all marketing you have to do socializing maybe the best fun .Put in mind that your are a person connecting with people.Now go out there and make friends!


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